Some things don’t stay the same

Recently, I announced my decision to end Ride the Tempo after 9 years of music blogging. You can read the full entry here.

When I first started blogging, there or in any capacity in general, I was HOOKED on the internet attention writing gave me. I needed the audience to validate my every passion, purchase or daily life happenings. I loved recording everything even the mundane things and having everyone read about it. I lived half my life online in front of a computer.

Somewhere in the past few years, I grew up. I wanted to be less online, out of exhaustion from recording everything all the time and that I started to want to appreciate the moments more as they happened. I think getting a dog had a little bit to do with that. I wanted to pay attention more to someone who was giving me his undivided attention. Not to mention I got married and I wanted to be more present with my family too.

I began to feel that the value of time as something that you can never get back and I want to spend less of it in front of a computer.

That being said, this blog isn’t going anywhere any time soon. I still love having it to document how I’ve grown and perhaps it will occasionally feature some music blogging when I miss writing about it. I think 2020 is a great chance to start something new.

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