Life After School is a Little Bit Scary

On Saturday, I officially graduated from Metalworks Institute, ending once and for all my life as a student. Now what?

Miniature Candy Cupcakes and Donuts

We were in T&T Asian Supermarket and found sets of these things that made instant candy versions of food. There was everything from candy ramen to random things like dinosaurs but we chose to do cupcakes and donuts because they seemed the most fun to decorate

Nerd Accessories: The iPhone Mirror

I have developed a recent addiction for buying things that look like other things. The most being this compact mirror that looks like a replica of an iPhone.

Photoset: Shit At My Grandparents’ House

My grandparents’ moved to Canada 30 something years ago and have lived in the same house ever since. Their home is filled with crazy trinkets. Some even have tags and packaging still attached. There is not a dull spot in their house which is void of colour or some form of craziness. They are the kind of people who have Christmas lights hung up all year round. There’s flowers on lamps (which is probably a fire hazard) and hidden birds everywhere. I decided with this wealth of strange things that I should capture some of it’s beauty in photos.

My Dog Barks at Inanimate Objects

My dog’s kind of a coward, he barks at everything. This includes: a blue basket, water in his food, a black and purple ball and well, a sprinkled cookie:

Photoset: Turtle Turtle Turtle

Meet my turtles. I sort of refer to them as Pee and Poo. Perhaps I should rename them. Both of them are red-ear sliders that are around 4-5 years old. Testing out the new Canon 60D. I just love the unreadable expressions of turtles.

30 Day Practise Challenge: Half-Way Point

Only half the month has passed and I have already failed. My excuse, I didn’t feel very well. Whether that is true or not I used to be able to go to class with a fever, so not practicing because of a stomach cramp seemed so trivial. There has also been days where I did in fact challenge, but they didn’t last my original guidelines of an hour. The puppy would be too distracting, my iPad ran out of battery etc.

I should have some sort of failing the challenge, but having to blog about it is punishment itself. I failed.

However, I will keep going at it. I was not neccessarily out to just do this for 30 days, but to hopefully build better lifetime habits. I don’t want to forget how to play piano. As I get older and busier, I want to know how to be able to schedule time for the keys. I’ve decided in my lifetime I’m going to learn Chopin’s entire repertoire and Bach’s WTC amongst other pieces.

This has not only been a return to a skill but a return to having an outlet to relax and speak some emotion non-verbally. Not only will this happen this month, but it will be a part of future months to come.

I Think I’m A Recovering Hoarder

I was on a mission to clean my room. I had a gigantic garbage bag ready to throw things away but my mind kept going, I need this. Luckily, I got past that and finally uncluttered my drawers and closets full of things from the past. The majority of the things I threw out fell into one of these categories:

Love At First Sight

To fall in love at first sight is something that happens a lot in movies and TV but not something I really thought about in real life. To reflect back on myself though, I do believe it has happened. No, I am not talking about how I met Nash (that’s a much different story). This is about how we ended up with Teddy.

The day we decided on a dog was pretty random; serendipity even. Our parents have denied us from having dogs and cats as pets for years. Mom used the excuse that she was allergic. However somehow (i still can’t really describe how to this day), we talked mom into allowing us to get a hypoallergenic cat. Yes, we had begun the search looking for a cat. Me and my sister browsed the cats on Kijiji for a while but then something enticed us to look at puppies. And there it was, 6 hypoallergeneic bichon poodle puppies.

All were adorable but it was one specific photo we were drawn to and had fallen head over heels for:

We called up the owner of the ad and within an hour had driven across town to see all 6 puppies in his backyard. We had wanted a male puppy and chose the most active and friendly from the litter. 5 months later, Teddy is now part of the family.

I had not noticed this until I recently found photos of the original listing on mom’s computer. We had chosen the exact same puppy we had seen online. The one we had fallen in love with on the Kijiji ad was the same one we would take home an hour later. Serendipity or not, we had fallen in love at first sight and we were destined to meet Teddy.

He may come back all muddy, eat our slippers, paw at us for food but we could not ask for any other puppy.

Inspiration in Colours

The other day I went with my sister to Staples because she needed some things for school. I realized my new Pacman journal had been lacking inspiration lately, stuck in a sort of writer’s block. Then I realized inspiration just like life isn’t black and white. I decided to make my journal as colourful as life and my thoughts are supposed to be.

Are you stuck in a rut with writing?

Perhaps, adding a little colour can spark that brain. Don’t worry, I’ll stick to coloured pens on paper. I think youd all stop reading if this blog had multicolour text.
Your life should be more than just black and white, a pop of colour anywhere whether it be pens, make-up, wardrobe can add a little twist in your life.

Or I could just be trying to find a crazy excuse to buy beautiful pens.