Adventures in Québec

Last weekend, I was in Québec city for Festival d’été. This year, I did more exploring of the city and surrounding areas.

On Saturday, I visited J.A Moisan, North America’s oldest grocery store.

It looked like it hasn’t changed too much over the years and stocked a lot of specialty products. I ended up getting some sodas to try.


I also had the privilege of going on the Island of Orleans food and drink tour. It was a 3 hour tour where we were taken to the beautiful island of Orleans that was a different world only 15 minutes away from the city. The vegetation there was lush and we sampled wines, ciders, sweets and jarred things. It was a lovely escape from the hustle and bustle of a city.

Photos from Up North

I spent the long weekend up in Northern Ontario. It was lovely to be out of the city (especially during the airshow) and to feel unrushed.

We stayed with Nash’s parents in his hometown of Espanola.

We also travelled to nearby places like Manitoulin Island:

Mclean Mountain peak:

Whitefish Falls:

I liked being surrounded by greenery. I’m back in the city now but I feel refreshed.

I Saw the Big Nickel

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I saw a giant nickel #bignickel #sudbury

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As you know, I was up north on the weekend. Any time I mentioned Nash’s parents live in a town near Sudbury, everybody always asked if I’ve ever been to the Big Nickel. Now I can finally say I have!

The nickel has overlooked Sudbury since 1964. Sudbury was originally established as a mining town where nickel played a big role.
It was modelled after the 1951 Canadian nickel with King George.

Science North

Yesterday, I went to Science North in Sudbury. There were a lot of animals and other fun contraptions. Here are some photos of my adventure:

This doesn’t seem to work:

Nash lying on a bed of nails:
We weren’t very good at putting this back together:

Photos: Hopewell Rocks

When I was in the East Coast, we hiked to Hopewell Rocks. Here are some photos!


Photos: Halifax Adventure

When I was on the East Coast, my friends and I took a day trip to New Brunswick. One of our first stops was Africville, a community that was originally settled by Black Nova Scotians, who were evicted so that the area could be developed. In 2011, the Africville Church (of 1849) was reconstructed as part of a government apology in 2010.

Trailers of protesters were still seen at a distance on the property.

Afterward, we stopped by the Halifax Public gardens which was full of beautiful flowers:

We also visited the Halifax Citadel, which works with this year’s free Parks Canada pass. There was only 30 minutes before closing so we went through all the rooms and museums quickly:

Then I took a walk by the waterfront:
and saw Theodore the tugboat!

Halifax is a beautiful city, and I hope to be able to come back and explore some more soon.

I Climbed a Giant Lobster

When I was in Shediac (the lobster capital of the world), I visited the Giant Lobster.

For some reason, there was this random man eating horse carrots in front of the lobster.

My friends and I ran to the lobster when a group of kids got off so we could snap some photos.

Of course, I wanted to get one by myself too!

Home from River & Sky

I just arrived home from weekend. I’ll update you later on my adventures at this camping festival I had never been to.

Enjoying Nature

Yesterday I set up camp at River & Sky festival. This community festival is more like real camping than others I have been to.

I woke up a little eaten by bugs but it is an ok tradeoff for such a wonderful relaxing atmosphere. For the first real time last night, I looked up at the stars and saw galaxies full of them. I found the Big Dipper and appreciated all the natural bright lights in the sky.

In the city, the skies are frequently polluted with airplanes but here they were natures decorations.

There's not much cellphone signal here but I am okay with that!

Wandering in Old Québec

While I was in Quebec City for Festival d’été,  I used the Sunday morning for exploring the old city, especially Chateau Frontenac. Here are some photos taken during my journey: