Here’s some photos of my dog


In case you need a smile. Here’s a photo of Teddy. The winter has been super grey but who can resist smiling at a dog?


Happy Chinese New Year!

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When your dog somehow understands Chinese New Year

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Happy Chinese New Year! I’m spending the day with my family and dog. Teddy somehow understands that there are goodies inside red envelopes and he gets his own too.

Dollarama Review: Dog Deer Costume


Dollarama has a wide variety of pet stuff including some Christmas costumes! Teddy became a reindeer without breaking the bank. The only con is they only have one size but we managed to squeeze both parts through his giant head.

How does he look?

Autumn Teddy 2

Here are some photos of Teddy I took on our autumn stroll with my iPhone 7 Plus. Here is the post with my DSLR for comparison.

In outdoor lighting this phone makes a killer camera.

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Teddy Is Still the Best

Pokemon Go might be fun, but nothing beats a real animal! Here are some random photos of Teddy enjoying his new whale toy.





And if you don’t have your own real life dog, you can always volunteer to walk one at a shelter while you’re out catching Pokemon!

I think I tired Teddy out.

Teddy Turns 5

Yesterday was Teddy’s birthday and I’m kind of sad I didn’t get to spend it with him. My parents set me photos of the little party they had though. I’ll be sure to spoil him this weekend!

I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since we first brought him into our lives. I don’t think anything else could’ve changed our family as positively as this little ball of fluff.

Teddy’s Christmas Morning!


Merry Christmas! Teddy was probably the one with the most presents to unwrap on Christmas day. He has been waiting patiently for them ever since we put them under the tree. He’d stare at them every day but was nice enough not to touch them until Christmas morning. Here are some random photos of him digging into his presents.





Happy Halloween Weekend!

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Teddy was a horse for Halloween? #dogsofinstagram

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Hope you are having a fantastic Halloween weekend full of treats. Teddy dressed as a horse this year with a cowboy riding on his back!

Random Teddy

Happy long weekend! Here are some random photos of Teddy playing and hiding under the table he recently decided is a mini house.





Happy 4th Birthday Teddy!


Today Teddy turns 4 years old. I can’t believe time flies by so fast. It feels like not long ago that he entered our lives and changed it in ways we could never seem possible.

Recently, we celebrated his birthday with a homemade cake! Here are some more random photos of Teddy:
